The perks of discounted products
One of the wondrous ways to promote your business to the customers is delivering a discount on your products, but using this technique extensively can get you an impression of being a low-priced store. The key point to keep in consideration is that when you are presenting discounts on retail radio, make sure it is attractive for the customers.
Tell your customers about the flash sales
Flash Sales is one of the best ways to sell out the surplus product, but the customers should be informed about the sale beforehand. The duration and details of the flash sales should be well put up in the store background music to grab the attention of your customers.
Announce various product giveaways
Everyone gets attracted to the freebies, plus it gives your customers the chance to use and try your products, which could lead to a hike in your sales by presenting it on the custom radio of your store. Remember to present all its detail in a catchy advertisement on retail radio.
Giveaways of loyalty points and coupon codes
Make a creative ad or jingle on the store custom radio regarding the redeemable coupon codes or loyalty points, to build up a strong base of customers. Coupon codes have less effect as that of loyalty points, which gives the customers the option to use them later on.
The types of announcements
Going by the informational advertisements, the customers will get educated about the offers, sales, and discounts with the help of store background music. One can also choose voice overs to display special offers based on the occasions like Christmas, Diwali, or New Year, and the repetition and choice of voice should be taken into consideration before going for the voice overs.
How will it help your customers?
Your customers will be getting every information which is required while being on the shopping spree. The advertisements on the custom radio for your store will help your customers to buy more efficiently and take better decisions based on the advertisements on the store background music.
With connecting to OOKA Radio, you can enjoy the benefits of instore audio advertising. We keep into consideration every small detail given by the client, and then devise a custom radio for the store, to bring in more potential customers. Retail Radio by us is an amalgamation of your inputs and our outputs.